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LIVE AT: See Sound Lounge
Seattle, WA

First clip from the awesome show with DJMB and DJ EVA at the See Sound Lounge on July 15, 2006.

There is so much good stuff from this show...where to start...guess right at the beginning! Usually I start off kind of slow as I try to get into the groove of the DJ - usually "slow" means bumbling around until I get my act together - but this night, right out of the gate, I was locked in. Great DJs will do that for you.

I was particularly proud of this section as I was able to work just one (well two actually) clips into a successful little vignette - usually I am switching up a lot of images, so I surprised myself with this. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - that's what LIVE is all about!

Not sure who was the DJ at this point - it was very crowded in there, and from my vantage point, I could not always see who was playing. I think it was EVA (sorry MB if it was you - my apologies - but you both kick ass!)