I’ve been busy – honest!

Been working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes – nothing is quite ready yet. (including this WordPress BLOG)

VIDEO: I’ve been amassing a ton of live VIDEO CAM remixing recordings of people dancing over the past two months. Ideally I want to post these on a weekly blog – so people can check to see if they were recorded – just good fun and promotion. BUT I’ve been going nuts trying to find the right codec settings for uploading to the web. Most of the clips need some editing and audio adjusting so I can’t just upload them as-is. WHAT A PAIN!!!! The number one WORSE thing for web video is FAST MOTION! And gee, guess what my videos are…frickin’ crazy fast cutting! (too much sometimes, but I just can’t help myself – I love it) – anyway, it looks like CRAP once YouTube/Myspace/Google and even VIMEO are done hammer away at it. At this point I’m looking at paying for hosting that doesn’t re-compress the videos or may even revert back to just having the videos on my site! (novel idea – but kind of limits the “social” aspect that is the appeal of a YouTube/Myspace hosted video) It takes SO LONG to encode a video, upload it, only to find out it looks like crap – then try it again! I’m really getting tired of it.

THE STORE: Still adding items to my Amazon.com store and want to upload some more designs for my T-Shirt shop. It’s a lot for a one man operation do, let me tell you!

Re-TV.net: Got sidetracked thinking Resolume Avenue A (vj software) was going to be the ticket for my live A/V sample happiness – so far that looks like a dead end. Promising there for a little while. So far, can’t beat the KORG Entrancer that I’m using. I’m sure some MAX-MSP/Jitter people are screaming at me to try that. Next time I have $900 to spend on software, I’ll do that.

SCOBOT TV: Have the streaming thing worked out now – pretty cool. May even try to take this “on the road” at some point. Right now I’m interested in setting up a some broadcasts with DJs just to get it going.

OTHER: Been incorporating my KORG KAPTIVATOR into my live set now. I think I have the routing pretty worked out. It takes me awhile to set up – but now I can run DVDs into my laptop, effect them in Arkaos, output that to the V-4, mix with a clip from the KAPTIVATOR, send to the ENTRANCER, manipulate it there and re-sample it back into the KAPTIVATOR and round and round it goes. Yeah, pretty wild!!!! Need to work on my technique, but if I could up load some videos you would see what I was talking about! lol